Sunday, November 5, 2017

Hi Mom

My motivation to finally begin to write again is my mom. My mom is in her 80"s and lives 7,400 miles away from me. We chat every week either through email or phone. Since there is a 7 hour time difference, the phone calls are planned for my late afternoons which aren't always free. My mom struggles with technology and only bought an iPad to communicate with us. She has worked long and hard as well as overcome numerous obstacles to send us emails. SO for all intents and purposes ( that was for you, Kenny Goodrow!) this post is for her.

Flora and fauna:
The diversity of the plants, insects, birds, and animals here is spectacular. Dry season runs from April- November. We have had a few rainy days but I have been informed that is unusual. Despite the lack of rain and the intense sunshine, plants and trees are thriving. I experienced a full seasonal New Hampshire year within the course of a month or two here.

The beautiful jacaranda trees bloomed first reminding me of lilacs with their color.

Next were the spring/summer like frangipani trees with white petals and butter cream centers. After they had bloomed, the pink and salmon colored flowers burst releasing an abundance of subtle fragrance.

Lastly, the flame trees popped into existence seemingly overnight and NH autumn came to Lusaka.

This is the view of my road with the frangipani's and flame tree at the end. 

I am attempting to learn some of the bird species as well. I suppose if you have never been to NH, our Blue jays, Robins, Indigo Buntings, and Cardinals would impress you. However there are some gorgeous birds here that I find fascinating and elusive to my camera. The following photo is not mine but can found on the link below. This is the African Paradise Flycatcher. I have several in my yard and they are such graceful, dainty looking little birds. I think of a ballet when they swoop around my backyard with their colorful wings and long fanciful tails. I have desperately tried to catch the little buggers on camera, but to no avail. 
AFC link

On our trip to Livingstone, we saw so many birds it is hard to choose which to post. I chose the bird that represents Zambia, the Fish Eagle. Since we have a Bald Eagle nest close to my NH house, this bird also brings forth sweet memories of home. This is a female-she is bigger than the male. 

Rounding out my bird chapter is the Goliath Heron. They are approximately 60 inches in height and magnificently patient birds. This one was photographed by me on the bank of the Zambezi river. 

I have been trying to snap the Blue Waxbill, another evasive backyard bird. Feel free to look him up. 

My goal is to be better at blogging, if not for me, for my mom. If anyone else has questions or requests, feel free to post in the comments and I will do my best to answer them.

Be well and keep reading,
Jill (Noisy Librarian)

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